
ITQ in the media

In recent years, trade media has frequently covered ITQ GmbH news. Several articles and interviews by and with Dr. Rainer Stetter and colleagues have been published in national and international magazines. Inform yourself about subjects around the topics of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and innovation by reading the latest coverage about ITQ.

2601, 2017

Automated configuration and communicative industry robots

Industrie 4.0 Management – February 2017: Industry robots are a substantial component of modern, highly-automated production plants because of their full custom programmability and a multitude of possible applications. But the installation and [...]

1509, 2016

September 15, 2016 – Being innovatively innovative

INDUSTRIE 4.0 – Breaking new ground technologically and organizationally – „Getränke!“ September 2016: In the course of the digital revolution – which has also been called “Industrie 4.0” – many companies are confronted now, [...]

109, 2016

September 01, 2016 – Two spectacular concepts

Innovation & Immigration – „Getränke!“ September 2016: In the past weeks and months, few days went by when the media did not report on the subjects of innovation and immigration. Unfortunately, when these [...]

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