
ITQ in the media

In recent years, trade media has frequently covered ITQ GmbH news. Several articles and interviews by and with Dr. Rainer Stetter and colleagues have been published in national and international magazines. Inform yourself about subjects around the topics of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and innovation by reading the latest coverage about ITQ.

707, 2017

Education first – really?

Education first – really? – „Getränke!“ July 2017: A few years ago, I created a Facebook account because I wanted to know what my kids do in digital Nirvana and what they look [...]

305, 2017

From Cloud over to your personalized Power Bank

ITQ at interpack presenting the new smart4i demonstrator – May 2017: Interpack, the world’s largest packaging industry fair for the sectors of food, beverages, sweets, baking, pharmacy, cosmetics, non-food and manufactured goods introduces [...]

2403, 2017

The Terminator Approach – Living Industrie 4.0

The Terminator Approach – Living Industrie 4.0 – „Getränke!“ March 2017: What does Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s Terminator movie have to do with Industrie 4.0? This question is to be answered at the Interpack 2017 [...]

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