
ITQ in the media

In recent years, trade media has frequently covered ITQ GmbH news. Several articles and interviews by and with Dr. Rainer Stetter and colleagues have been published in national and international magazines. Inform yourself about subjects around the topics of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and innovation by reading the latest coverage about ITQ.

202, 2021

Compendium – Digital Encourager

Courageous Entrepreneurship – January 2021:  During this year's virtual New Year's reception by team :: mt GmbH they presented their latest book "Digitale MUTmacher – the knowledge compedium for courageous entrepreneurs". ITQ CEO [...]

801, 2020

VDI Nachrichten – Bamboo Solar Car at the SPS

Education 4.0 – November 2019:  On November 29th the German magazine VDI Nachrichten published an article about ITQ's smart & green innovation projekt Bamboo Solar Car which prepares our highly motivated team of [...]

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